Configuring Infrastructure

Configuring Data Models

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While Moose provides sensible defaults for provisioning OLAP storage and infrastructure based on your Data Models, it also supports flexible customization for configurations like ingestion formats and storage options.


Instantiate and export a DataModelConfig<T> with your desired configuration options, using the type parameter T to specify the Data Model you wish to configure:

import { DataModelConfig, IngestionFormat } from "@514labs/moose-lib";
export const ExampleDataModelConfig: DataModelConfig<ExampleDataModel> = {
  ingestion: {
    format: IngestionFormat.JSON,
  storage: {
    enabled: true,
    order_by_fields: ["example_timestamp"],
export interface ExampleDataModel {
  example_timestamp: Date;
  example_string: string;
  example_number: number;
  example_boolean: boolean;
  example_string_array: string[];

If you configure the storage option to specify a field name for the order_by_fields option, then you are not required to specify a Key field in the Data Model.

Config Options

DataModelConfig supports the following parameters:

  • ingestion (IngestionConfig): Configures the ingestion endpoint for the data model.
  • storage(StorageConfig): Configures the storage layer for the data model.


Set the ingestion parameter to define how the API endpoint will receive data. The configuration supports the following options:

  • format: Specifies the format of the data that the ingestion endpoint will accept.
    • Type: IngestionFormat
    • Default: IngestionFormat.JSON
    • Options:
      • IngestionFormat.JSON: Single JSON object expected in the body of the request.
      • IngestionFormat.JSON_ARRAY: Array of JSON objects expected in the body of the request.


export const UserActivityConfig: DataModelConfig<UserActivity> = {
    ingestion: {
        format: IngestionFormat.JSON,
export interface UserActivity {


The storage field configures the persistence layer for the data model. It supports the following options:

  • enabled: A boolean value that determines whether to enable a table in the OLAP storage for the data model.

    • Type:boolean
    • Default: true
    • Description: When set to true, a table will be created in the OLAP storage for the data model, allowing data to be stored and queried. Setting it to false will disable this table creation.
  • order_by_fields: An array of strings that adds an ORDER BY clause to the table in the OLAP storage. This is useful for optimizing queries that sort the Data Model by specific fields.

    • Type: string[]
    • Default: []
    • Description: This is an array of field names by which the table data should be ordered. The strings must be a subset of the fields in the Data Model.


export const UserActivityConfig: DataModelConfig<UserActivity> = {
  storage: {
    enabled: false,