Stream Processing

Introduction to Streaming Functions

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Streaming Functions in Moose enable real-time data processing, allowing you to transform, enrich, filter, or trigger actions based on incoming data. These powerful functions can:

  • Map data between Data Models
  • Enrich data with external information
  • Filter out unwanted data
  • Implement arbitrary logic to handle and respond to incoming data

They are defined as regular functions in TypeScript files, and are executed in real-time as data flows into your Moose application.

Core Concepts

Streaming Functions act as intermediares between two Data Models: a source and a destination. They are automatically triggered when new data arrives on the source Data Model's streaming topic. These functions transform the incoming data and output it in a format that matches the destination Data Model's schema.

Key points:
  1. Input: Data from the source Data Model's streaming topic
  2. Processing: Custom logic defined in the Streaming Function
  3. Output: Data conforming to the destination Data Model's schema
  4. Execution: Automatic and real-time, triggered by new messages to the source Data Model's streaming topic

File and Folder Conventions

Streaming Functions are defined in files within the /functions directory of your Moose app, following this naming pattern:


      • SourceDataModel__DestinationDataModel.ts
  • Naming Convention

    Use two underscores to separate the source and destination data models in the file name. This convention allows Moose to automatically identify and execute the Streaming Functions.

    Streaming Function Definition

    A Streaming Function is defined as the default export of its module:

    import { SourceDataModel } from "../datamodels/path/to/SourceDataModel";
    import { DestinationDataModel } from "../datamodels/path/to/DestinationDataModel";
    export default function functionName(
      source: SourceDataModel,
    ): DestinationDataModel[] | DestinationDataModel | null {
      // Transformation logic

    The function accepts a single parameter source of type SourceDataModel. This is the data that Moose will pass to the function when it receives a new message on the streaming topic associated with the source Data Model.

    The return type can be:

    • An array of DestinationDataModel objects
    • A single DestinationDataModel object
    • null if no output should be produced

    The function body contains the processing logic. We will go into more detail on this in the next section.

    What About the Function Name?

    The function name itself is not important, as Moose identifies the function by the file convention.