TutorialGetting Started with Moose

Setting Up Your Moose Project

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In this section, you’ll create a new Moose project and set up the development environment. By the end, you’ll have a running Moose instance with all the necessary infrastructure components ready for building your GitHub analytics pipeline.


Create Your GitHub Analytics Project

Create a new Moose project

npx create-moose-app@latest moose-github-analytics ts --empty
  • This command initializes a new Moose project with the name “moose-github-analytics”.
  • The --empty flag creates a minimal project structure without any sample code, giving us a clean slate to build our GitHub analytics service.

Project Structure Overview

The Moose CLI creates a project with the following structure:

Each folder corresponds to a Moose primitive:

datamodels/Where you’ll define the structure of your data
functions/Where you’ll implement data processing logic
blocks/Where you’ll create data views and aggregations
apis/Where you’ll define endpoints to expose your data

Install Project Dependencies

cd moose-github-analytics && npm install

This installs all required dependencies for your Moose project.

Start the Development Server

npm run dev
What's happening behind the scenes?

The Moose dev server spins up a local version of a production data stack, including:

  • Clickhouse (database) container
  • Redpanda (streaming platform) container
  • A webserver at http://localhost:4000
  • And more!

When you make changes to your code, it automatically reloads your application to reflect the updates.

You should expect to see the following printed to your terminal:

Verify Your Setup

Open a new terminal window and run:

npx moose-cli ls

This command lists all available data models, ingestion points, and tables. Since we started with an empty project, you won’t see any yet, but we’ll create them in the next section.


What’s Next?

Now that you have your Moose development environment up and running, you’re ready to start building your GitHub analytics service. In the next section, you’ll create your first Data Model to define the structure of the GitHub star event data.


Keep the development server running in your terminal as you proceed through the rest of the tutorial. You’ll need it to see your changes in real-time.

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