Monitoring Performance

Monitoring Performance

Moose provides a console to view live metrics from your Moose application. To launch the console, run:

npx moose-cli metrics

HTTP Endpoint Metrics

The following metrics are calculated across all HTTP /ingest and /consumption endpoints in your Moose application:

AVERAGE LATENCYAverage time in milliseconds it takes for a request to be processed by the endpoint
TOTAL # OF REQUESTSTotal number of requests made to the endpoint
REQUESTS PER SECONDAverage number of requests made per second to the endpoint
DATA INAverage number of bytes of data sent to all /ingest endpoints per second
DATA OUTAverage number of bytes of data sent to all /consumption endpoints per second

For each HTTP /ingest and /consumption endpoint that is configured in your Moose application, we also provide the following metrics:

LATENCYAverage time in milliseconds it takes for a request to be processed by the endpoint
# OF REQUESTS RECEIVEDTotal number of requests made to the endpoint
# OF MESSAGES SENT TO KAFKATotal number of messages sent to the Kafka topic
Moose Hint

Use the arrow keys to move up and down rows in the endpoint table and press enter to view more details about that endpoint.

Kafka To Clickhouse Sync Process Metrics

The following metrics analyze the performance of the process that syncs data from the configured Redpanda topic for a particular Data Model to the Clickhouse database table for that Data Model.

MSG READTotal number of messages sent from /ingest API endpoint to the Kafka topic
LAGThe number of messages that have been sent to the consumer but not yet received
MSG/SECAverage number of messages sent from /ingest API endpoint to the Kafka topic per second
BYTES/SECAverage number of bytes of data received by the Clickhouse consumer from the Kafka topic per second

Streaming Functions Metrics

These metrics analyze the performance of each Streaming Function configured in your Moose application:

MSG INTotal number of messages passed into the streaming function
MSG IN/SECAverage number of messages passed into the streaming function per second
MSG OUTTotal number of messages returned by the streaming function
MSG OUT/SECAverage number of messages returned by the streaming function per second
BYTES/SECAverage number of bytes of data returned by the streaming function per second