Initializing Blocks

Initialize a Block

Using the CLI

To create a new Block, use the moose block init command. This will generate a .ts or .py file in the /blocks directory, and export an empty Blocks object for you to fill in.

For detailed information about the moose block init command, you can run the following in your terminal:

npx moose-cli block init --help

Manual setup

You can also manually create a Block by creating a .ts or .py file in the /blocks directory. Inside this file, you'll need to manually import the Blocks type from @514labs/moose-lib and export an empty Blocks object for you to fill in:

import { Blocks } from "@514labs/moose-lib";
export default {
  setup: [
    // Array of SQL statements for setting up database resources
  teardown: [
    // Array of SQL statements for tearing down resources
} as Blocks;