Ingest Sample Data
Test out the /ingest/RawStarEvent
API endpoint on some sample data with this curl
curl -X POST http://localhost:4000/ingest/RawStarEvent \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"action": "TEST-PAYLOAD",
"starred_at": "2024-07-30T01:04:06Z",
"repository": {
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"node_id": "R_kgDOJ9hk9A",
"name": "moose",
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"archived": false,
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"web_commit_signoff_required": false,
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"events_url": "{/privacy}",
"received_events_url": "",
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In the terminal window where you started your local dev server, you should see the following messages printed to the console:
POST ingest/RawStarEvent/0.0
SUCCESS /ingest/RawStarEvent
Query the RawStarEvent
In your database explorer, execute the following query:
SELECT * FROM local.RawStarEvent_0_0
Setting Up Your Database Explorer
VSCode SQL Tools Extension Setup
- Click the SQLTools database icon in your extensions tab.
- You should see the Clickhouse icon followed by the connection details for the database running on your local dev server:
. - To create and run a new query, click the
New SQL File